Food and Beverage
Consejos para disfrutar la época navideña con seguridad
Distintas formas para evitar incendios en el hogar

(Family Features) Cuando se aproxima la temporada festiva, comienzan las reuniones con familiares y amigos. Debido al mayor uso de la cocina, los accesorios de decoración y los clásicos rituales con velas y llamas, en diciembre aumenta drásticamente el riesgo de que se produzcan incendios en el hogar y, como consecuencia, las quemaduras en niños.
Las tradiciones navideñas podrían causar un devastador incendio cuando hay niños pequeños en el hogar. La Administración de Incendios de Estados Unidos ha publicado informes que indican que se producen alrededor de 128.700 incendios en diciembre, lo que se traduce en 415 muertos y 1.650 heridos.
Concientización sobre incendios
Según el Dr. David Herndon, M.D., que se desempeña en Shriners Hospitals for Children® en Galveston, existen tres tipos de quemaduras pediátricas que son frecuentes durante las festividades. Se incluyen las quemaduras por vapor o líquidos calientes, el contacto con objetos calientes o llamas y las quemaduras por descarga eléctrica. Si conoce este tipo de lesiones comunes y la manera de evitarlas, podría mantener a su familia a salvo durante esta época festiva.
Consejos de seguridad contra incendios durante los días festivos
Cuide a sus seres queridos y prepárese para los días festivos con anticipación con estos simples consejos de seguridad contra incendios del hospital pediátrico Shriners Hospitals for Children:
Decoración festiva
- Asegúrese de que su árbol se encuentre, por lo menos, a tres (3) pies de distancia de fuentes de calor, como chimeneas, radiadores, calefactores, velas o rejillas de calefacción.
- Si tiene un árbol natural en la casa, manténgalo bien regado y retírelo una vez finalizadas las fiestas o cuando se seque.
Iluminación festiva
- Cada año, antes de utilizar las luces navideñas, contrólelas para detectar cables pelados, perforaciones, retorcimiento o desgaste excesivo.
- Antes de introducir el cable en el tomacorriente, conecte las luces a un cable de extensión.
El cuidado de las velas
- Considere el uso de velas a batería, es decir, velas sin llama.
- Nunca deje velas encendidas sin la supervisión de un adulto. Asegúrese de que los soportes de las velas encendidas sean estables, y que estén ubicados en un lugar donde no puedan ser derribados fácilmente.
Cocina navideña
- Cocinar es la principal causa de incendios en el hogar y de heridas por quemaduras: recomendamos estar atento cuando cocine alimentos fritos.
- Permanezca cerca de la sartén, y oriente los mangos de las ollas hacia la parte posterior del hornillo para que los niños no puedan alcanzarlos.
- Cocine con prendas de mangas cortas o enrolle las mangas largas.
- Mantenga cerca la tapa de la sartén o la bandeja para horno para cubrir la sartén si comienza a incendiarse.
Esté preparado
Para proteger a sus seres queridos, asegúrese de que su casa cuente con detectores de humo y extintores de incendios. La época navideña es el momento ideal para cambiar las baterías de los detectores de humo y para comprobar el buen funcionamiento de los extintores de incendios.
Prepare un plan de escape para su familia, y siempre cocine con cuidado. Lo más importante es que si usted o su hijo sufre algún tipo de quemadura, debe consultar a un médico de inmediato.
Cuidado de quemaduras por pediatras especializados
Desde que el hospital pediátrico Shriners Hospitals for Children comenzó el tratamiento de quemaduras, se ha duplicado la tasa de supervivencia de niños con quemaduras en más de un 50% de su superficie corporal. Hoy en día, los pacientes con quemaduras en el 90% de su cuerpo pueden sobrevivir y llevar vidas plenas y productivas.
Estos hospitales brindan atención y cuidados críticos, quirúrgicos y de rehabilitación para quemaduras pediátricas, independientemente de la capacidad de su familia para pagar por la atención recibida. Cada centro de atención de personas con quemaduras cuenta con personal y equipo de excelente calidad para realizar cirugías reconstructivas y reparadoras en quemaduras cicatrizadas, y ofrece distintos tratamientos para otras afecciones de la piel.
Atención más allá de las cuatro paredes
El personal atiende las necesidades médicas y emocionales de cada niño, así como también las necesidades y preocupaciones de la familia a lo largo del proceso. Un equipo multidisciplinario trabaja en estrecha colaboración con el paciente y la familia para ofrecer apoyo durante la recuperación del niño y la transición a la escuela y la vida familiar.
El hospital pediátrico Shriners Hospitals for Children, con 22 centros en Estados Unidos, Canadá y México, brinda atención de avanzada para niños con problemas ortopédicos, quemaduras, lesiones de columna, labio leporino y paladar hendido. Obtenga más información en
El regalo de la prevención
La época navideña es un buen momento para tomar conciencia de la seguridad de familiares y amigos. Rellene las clásicas medias navideñas o coloque debajo del árbol regalos originales para sus seres queridos. A continuación, encontrará algunas ideas para sorprenderlos:
Escalera de escape
La Asociación Nacional de Protección contra Incendios recomienda a los propietarios que guarden una escalera de escape en cada habitación que esté por encima de la planta baja. Muchos modelos se guardan fácilmente debajo de la cama o en el armario.
Detector de humo
Algunos modelos nuevos de detectores de humo ofrecen tecnologías avanzadas, como mensajes de texto cuando se detecta algún riesgo o cuando las pilas se están agotando.
Velas sin llama
La vela es uno de los productos más regalados: una vela sin llama es una manera más segura de ambientar un cuarto.
Extintor de incendios
Este equipo de seguridad sería una adición útil para la cocina, el garaje o el taller.
Rellene las medias con muchas pilas para asegurarse de que los detectores de humo funcionen correctamente por mucho tiempo.
Fotografías cortesía de Getty Images
Shriners Hospitals for Children
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Food and Beverage
Even the Pickiest Pick SeaPak: New Campaign Brings Fun to Family Meals Ahead of The First Annual National Picky Eaters Day

With a family of adorable otters, a touch of whimsy, and delicious, kid-approved seafood, SeaPak is making meals easier and tastier for parents everywhere.
ST. SIMONS ISLAND, Ga. /PRNewswire/ — When it comes to picky eaters, parents have tried almost every negotiation tactic to get their kids to eat something new. Now with SeaPak’s help, amplified through their Even the Pickiest Pick SeaPak campaign, there’s a delicious new way to win during meals. This fun and creative marketing campaign from America’s No. 1 frozen shrimp brand makes its debut just as Lent begins and right before the newly established National Picky Eaters Day on April 4.
Experience the full interactive Multichannel News Release here:
“With our Even the Pickiest Pick SeaPak campaign, we’re showing that shrimp and other seafood can be a real game-changer for families with picky eaters,” said Ciera Womack, Director of Marketing, Seafood at Rich Products Corp., parent company of SeaPak. “And with the launch of National Picky Eaters Day, we’re giving parents a reason to celebrate those little wins. SeaPak’s crispy, kid-approved favorites like Classic Popcorn Shrimp and Crunchy Shrimp Poppers are easy and delicious ways to make mealtimes a success.”
The new holiday, created by SeaPak, celebrates small mealtime victories and helps parents find stress-free ways to expand their kids’ food horizons. Backed by a national survey of 2,000 parents of school-aged children, conducted by Talker Research on behalf of SeaPak, the holiday taps into the universal struggle of picky eating — and offers tasty solutions that even the pickiest eaters will pick.
SeaPak’s survey revealed that parents spend an average of 67 hours a year negotiating with their picky eaters. It also highlighted some of the most common reasons behind food refusals:
- 37% of parents say veggies are the biggest source of food meltdowns for their children.
- 33% of kids reject foods based on smell.
- 32% say no just because of how food looks.
- 26% of parents used to be picky eaters themselves — and still are today.
While some foods may never fly with certain kids, the survey found that seafood is a real crowd-pleaser: In fact, 32% of parents say their kids always say yes to shrimp.
To help bring these insights to life, SeaPak partnered with creative agency EP+ Co and Jim Henson’s Creature Shop to create The Otterfords, a family of lovable sea otter puppets who know all too well what it’s like to have a picky eater at the table. Sea otters eat 25% of their body weight in food each day, their diet consisting of a tasty seafood medley – that’s about 4 pounds of shrimp daily! Designed by the legendary company behind the Muppets, these charming, shrimp-loving characters star in SeaPak’s latest campaign, proving that sea otters and humans can agree on one thing: Seafood is delicious.
“Our goal has always been to make mealtimes more fun and stress-free,” Womack added. “With The Otterfords, our Even the Pickiest Pick SeaPak campaign, and National Picky Eaters Day, we’re giving parents a lighthearted way to connect with their kids about trying new foods — and showing that seafood is something even picky eaters will pick.”
SeaPak is inviting parents to join the National Picky Eaters Day celebration on April 4 by sharing their successes on social media using #PickyEatersDay, trying a “picky eater-approved” meal with their family, and swapping tips with other parents on how to make meals easier.
For more information on National Picky Eaters Day, visit, and to explore picky-eater-friendly seafood options, visit
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Exciting Collaboration: Ketone Labs & Blue Pacific Flavors Unite to Transform Functional Beverages at Expo West 2025!

March 4-7, 2025, marks a momentous occasion in the world of innovation at Expo West, and we’re thrilled to share the exciting news about the strategic partnership between two pioneers: Ketone Labs and Blue Pacific Flavors. This collaboration aims to revolutionize the functional beverage landscape with the introduction of goBHB®-powered drinks, combining science-backed formulation with mouthwatering flavors.
What’s Buzzing at Expo West?
Set in the vibrant city of Anaheim, California, Expo West 2025 is the place to be for industry professionals and health enthusiasts alike. Visitors can look forward to an exclusive sneak peek at groundbreaking non-stimulant energy beverages that harness the power of goBHB®. These innovative drinks stand out by delivering clean, sustained energy without the jitters associated with caffeine or taurine.
The Power of goBHB®: Fueling a Healthier Future
At the core of this partnership is goBHB®, a game-changing innovation that promises to uplift our daily wellness routines. Here’s a breakdown of what makes these beverages stand out:
- Brain Health: The cognitive benefits of goBHB® are remarkable! It enhances mental clarity and focus, making it perfect for those long workdays or study sessions.
- Gut Health: With specially designed formulations that support the microbiome, these beverages are as much about feeling good on the inside as they are about revitalizing your energy levels.
- Metabolic Energy: goBHB® serves as a rapid source of fuel, enabling endurance and performance, whether you’re hitting the gym or navigating a busy day.
Meet Our Innovators
Industry veterans Donald F. Wilkes, CEO of Blue Pacific Flavors, and Rob C. Rogers, Founder of Ketone Labs, are enthusiastic about this partnership and the future it holds. With Donald’s extensive experience in flavor science and beverage formulation and Rob’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of metabolic health, this collaboration is set to redefine expectations.
“In my 40+ years in the industry, I have never seen a technology as transformative as goBHB®,” Wilkes stated. “It’s a game-changer in metabolic health, offering a science-backed, clean-energy solution that fits today’s functional beverage landscape.”
Echoing this sentiment, Rob C. Rogers shared, “goBHB® is revolutionizing the industry, and our partnership with Blue Pacific Flavors is pivotal in unlocking its full potential.”
Tantalizing Taste Meets Cutting-Edge Science
One of the most exciting aspects of this partnership is the introduction of several unique and innovative flavored products, all developed by Blue Pacific Flavors. The day is coming when functional health drinks aren’t just good for you—they’ll taste fantastic too!
Will you be attending Expo West 2025? Be sure to visit Booth #4373 for a chance to sample these extraordinary beverages and see firsthand how goBHB® can integrate into your lifestyle. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with the experts behind these innovations and learn more about the intersection of delicious flavor and health-conscious formulation.
Join Us on This Journey!
As we embark on this exciting journey in functional nutrition, we invite you to stay connected and follow along. Together, Ketone Labs and Blue Pacific Flavors are committed to delivering the next generation of delicious, effective, and innovative products tailored to modern consumer needs.
Let’s Change the Way We Think About Nutrition
Join us at Expo West 2025, and be part of the exciting new wave of functional beverages that promote brain health, gut health, and metabolic energy without compromising on flavor. The future of wellness awaits—let’s explore it together! 🥤✨
For more updates, follow us on our social media channels and explore the fascinating world of goBHB® and its incredible potential! See you in Anaheim!
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Food and Beverage
Parry’s Pizzeria & Taphouse Celebrates Weatherford Grand Opening on March 3rd!
WEATHERFORD, Texas /PRNewswire/ — Parry’s Pizzeria & Taphouse is thrilled to announce the Grand Opening of Parry’s in Weatherford, Texas, on Monday, March 3. This is their first location in Weatherford, located at 205 Interstate 20 Frontage Road. The Parry’s team is excited to serve up some NY-style pizza, wings, sandwiches, pasta and more, plus over 70 beers on draft, to residents of Weatherford!
A ribbon-cutting ceremony, presented by the Weatherford Chamber of Commerce, will take place at 10:30am on Monday, March 3rd, and all are welcome to join. PLUS, in celebration of Parry’s newest location, the first 25 parties in line for the opening on the 3rd will receive a guaranteed Grand Opening prize bag valued up to $50. Arrive early to secure your prize!
AND, all day Monday and Tuesday, Parry’s will be raffling off FREE PIZZA AND FREE LUNCH SPECIALS EVERY WEEK for the next six months! A total of 20 lucky guests will win these incredible raffles.
Parry’s Pizzeria & Taphouse has a menu featuring hand tossed “made from scratch” dough, sauce made daily, the highest quality ingredients, always fresh and never frozen wings, and a selection of hand crafted, local, rare, and premium beers unrivaled anywhere in the state. They have been bringing NY Style pizza, East Coast, and Italian favorites to Texas for over five years now.
Parry’s also offers everyday and daily specials including $10.99 lunch combos from 11am-3pm Monday – Friday, daily pizza and wings specials, early dine specials from 3-6pm Sunday – Thursday and Happy Hour specials 3-6pm Monday – Friday and all day Sunday. Visit for more details.
About Parry’s Pizzeria & Taphouse
Parry’s launched in 2007 as a New York-style pizza joint that was great for a quick bite and perhaps a beer or a glass of wine. Over the past 17 years, the restaurant’s reputation for “craveably crafted” food at a family-friendly value has grown, and Parry’s has evolved into a complete dining experience. Sure, pizza, wings and fried dough (customer favorites) are still on the menu, but Parry’s also has become a craft beer haven with some of the best rotating tap lists around.
Parry’s restaurants are built with a unique, New York warehouse feel, complemented with inviting fixtures and decor that allow you to feel even closer to the city that never sleeps. The Parry’s vibe is perfect for lunch, dinner or a special occasion.
Parry’s partners with numerous community groups including schools, churches and nonprofits to host donation nights throughout the year. Plus, a portion of every Parry’s Pint sold is donated to nonprofit partners as part of the company’s Parry’s Pints select menu program. The Weatherford location will support The Pythian Home in Weatherford on Friday and The AUsome Allen Foundation on Saturday with their Parry’s Pints donations.
Parry’s mission is simple, and the company strives to deliver on it every single day: Craveably Crafted Food & Beer Served with Uncommon Hospitality.
SOURCE Parry’s Pizza
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