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Peace of mind for Pet Parents… What are the five best Chew Toys?



dog in black collar with ball in teeth
Photo by Blue Bird on Pexels.com

As a pet parent, finding the perfect chew toy for your furry friend can be a daunting task. You want something that will keep them entertained, but also something that will last. After extensive research and testing, we have compiled a list of the best and sturdiest dog chew toys available on the market today.

  1. KONG Classic: This classic chew toy has been a staple in many households for over 40 years. It’s made from durable rubber and can be filled with treats to keep your dog engaged for hours. The unique shape also makes it great for games of fetch.
  2. Nylabone Dura Chew Textured Ring: Made from tough, durable nylon, this chew toy is designed to withstand heavy chewing. The textured surface also helps clean your dog’s teeth and promote healthy chewing habits.
  3. Benebone Real Flavor Dental Dog Chew: This chew toy is made from real bacon, chicken, or peanut butter flavoring and is designed to promote healthy chewing habits. The curved shape also makes it easy for your dog to grip and chew.
  4. Chuckit! Ultra Ball: This high-bouncing ball is made from durable rubber and is perfect for games of fetch. It’s also compatible with the Chuckit! Launcher, making it easy to throw long distances.
  5. West Paw Design Zogoflex Tug Toy: This tug toy is made from tough, non-toxic rubber and is perfect for games of tug-of-war. It’s also dishwasher safe, making it easy to clean.


  • KONG Extreme: Similar to the classic KONG, but made from even tougher rubber for heavy chewers.
  • Goughnuts MAXX 50: Made from a patented, indestructible material, this chew toy is designed to last a lifetime.
  • Tuffy Mega Ring: Made from multiple layers of durable fabric, this chew toy is designed to withstand heavy chewing and playing.
Portrait of a playful Boston Terrier with her Toy

In conclusion, when it comes to finding the perfect chew toy for your furry friend, it’s important to consider durability, safety, and engagement. The toys listed above have been tested and approved by both pets and their parents, making them a great choice for any household.



  • Rebecca Washington

    Rebecca Jo is a mother of four and is a creative soul from Phoenix, Arizona, who also enjoys new adventures. Rebecca Jo has a passion for the outdoors and indulges in activities like camping, fishing, hunting and riding roller coasters. She is married to Rod Washington

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Rebecca Jo is a mother of four and is a creative soul from Phoenix, Arizona, who also enjoys new adventures. Rebecca Jo has a passion for the outdoors and indulges in activities like camping, fishing, hunting and riding roller coasters. She is married to Rod Washington


Creating a Pet-Friendly Palace



5 ways to set up a safe, cozy home for cats and dogs

 (Family Features) As much as you love your pets and work hard to make them part of the family, they’re also a big responsibility. Part of that responsibility includes setting up your home so it’s equal parts stylish (for you) and functional (for Fido).

Show furry friends a little love, beyond the walks and snuggles, by making your home more pet friendly.

Set Up Their Space Near an Entry
It’s common for pet owners to desire a space to keep all their furry friends’ belongings and avoid clutter. Ensure convenience and cleanliness by establishing an area near the door where you can store leashes, collars, toys and more. Consider keeping a towel or two nearby for wiping paws (and snouts) after going outside. You can also keep your pets’ beds, food and water bowls in this space so it feels like their own little “home” when returning from a walk or going to sleep at night.

Consider Stain-Resistant Fabrics
From furniture to decor, avoiding fabrics that attract pet hair is a no-brainer for pet owners looking to escape a constant mess. Silk and velvet are virtual magnets for fur, while alternatives like leather offer more practical choices that are easy to clean and durable.

Install Resilient Flooring
Reduce your fear of zoomies causing damage to your floors by installing resilient flooring focused on reducing wear. Both durable and beautiful, a variety of Beautifully Responsible floors take on some of the burden of pet ownership with built-in durability for the everyday and the unexpected. With options designed to bridge the gap between style and function, numerous water-resistant and waterproof floors give you and your pets room to live your best lives for years to come without wet shakes triggering worries. Plus, many resilient floors don’t flinch when it comes to addressing muddy paws, often only requiring the mud to be easily wiped away, without harsh cleaning products.

Decorate with Pets in Mind
Displaying Grandma’s fine China and your favorite sports memorabilia may not go hand-in-hand with pet ownership – that autographed baseball may look more like a chew toy than a treasured artifact. Instead, prioritize decor that’s washable and sturdy so you can avoid coming home to a delicate family heirloom shattered on the floor.

Pet-Proof the Yard
If you plan on your pets being outside on their own, it’s a good idea to carefully inspect your outdoor spaces before letting them roam. Look for gaps in the fence, identify potentially harmful plants and ensure outdoor structures like grills and furniture are secure.

Find pet-friendly flooring solutions at beautifullyresponsible.com.

How Pet Owners Can Benefit from Resilient Flooring

It’s likely you want your pets to live their best lives without sacrificing your own gorgeous spaces. With a variety of attractive options to fit your aesthetic, Beautifully Responsible resilient flooring provides durability against dirt, spills and sprints. Consider these benefits of floors that fit your style and give furry friends room for fun:

Deny Dirt and Dander
Once playtime outside is over, that mess can sometimes make its way inside. Designed to make cleanup easier, many resilient flooring options can make removing messes, odors and pet hair a cinch. From sheet solutions to modular configurations, resilient flooring can typically be cleaned without harsh chemicals – just make sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommended cleaning instructions.

Zoom On
Many Beautifully Responsible resilient floors are durable enough to stand up to those zoomies. These options are ready for your dogs’ and cats’ fastest sprints, and make for quick clean up when they accidentally turn over a favorite flowerpot or their own water bowls.

Reduce Water Worries

Those vigorous tail wags near a fresh bowl of water lead to even good boys and girls causing a spill now and then. With many waterproof and water-resistant options for even the messiest of pets, you can be more confident in resilient floors standing up to spills so you can forgive puppy-dog eyes even faster.

Beautifully Responsible



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Make Summer Travel with Pets Enjoyable and Seamless




5 pet-friendly travel tips for summer trips

(Family Features) For owners of pets, cats and dogs are part of the family, which means when it’s time to head out of town this summer, the four-legged friends get to come along, too.

In fact, a survey conducted by Motel 6 revealed that of 2,000 Americans with summer leisure plans, the vast majority of those traveling with pets this summer (90%) are bringing their dog, and more than a quarter (31%) are bringing their cat.

While traveling with pets can be a handful, Motel 6 and its Chief Pet Officer, Garfield, fresh off his wild adventure in “The Garfield Movie,” offer these tips to help make the journey easier, safer and more fun.

Pack the Essentials: Travel anxiety is real for your four-legged friends, too, so keep the experience as “pawsitive” as possible by packing your pet’s favorite toys and snacks. Don’t forget to pack enough food, like lasagna; water; collapsible food and water bowls; and a favorite blanket or bed to provide a sense of familiarity.

Map Out Stops: One in 6 (16%) Americans with summer travel plans are driving to their destinations because they plan to bring their pets along. Travelers should map out breaks, especially when it comes to stopping for meals, in anticipation of traffic and construction. This can help ensure they find spots for bathroom breaks and a chance for active pets to exercise. Even lazier pets can enjoy the fresh air.

Find Pet-Friendly Lodging: As you plan your getaway, look for pet-friendly lodging options with plenty of places to lounge, like Motel 6, which offers travelers and their four-legged friends affordable accommodation, and pets always stay free. This helps take the stress out of researching hotel pet policies and paying additional fees.Traveling pet parents can join the free My6 discount program to receive a minimum of 6% off every stay at locations across the country and access to hundreds of pet and travel benefits.

Travel Safely: If you’re planning to travel with your pets, ensure they receive the royal treatment by researching how to safely transport them during the trip. The Humane Society of the United States recommends that cats and dogs travel in their crates or carriers anchored by a seatbelt to prevent them from moving around the car. It’s important to never leave your pet alone in the car or place your pet in the front seat because it could lead to injury. Always keep pets on leashes when outside, no matter how well-trained they are, as new surroundings or unexpected noises can startle them.

Remember to Have Fun: Travelers’ top reasons forbringing their four-legged friends on trips include spending quality time with them and the joy of seeing their pets happy (39%), making new memories with their pets (34%), seeing their pets’ reactions to new experiences (32%) and the extra level of companionship pets bring to trips (29%). A few ways to reserve quality time with your pets include dining at pet-friendly restaurants (preferably ones with unlimited cheese), locating nearby green spaces or parks to play, trying new experiences together or going on walks. For those who like a more leisurely travel experience, don’t forget to add a quick cat nap with your pet to your schedule.

As you look to map out your summer travel plans, visit Motel6.com to find pet-friendly, affordable lodging.

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

Motel 6



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Preparing for Your First Pet: 5 tips for new pet owners



a dog sitting on a person's lap. Pet

(Family Features) Welcoming a new pet into your family can be an exciting addition, but preparation is required to provide a loving home and enjoy the unconditional love of a four-legged family member.

To help prepare your furry friend for the transition to a new living arrangement, consider these essential tips for first-time pet owners.

Choose the Right Pet for Your Lifestyle
When getting a pet for the first time, it’s crucial to select one that fits your lifestyle. Consider your living situation, work schedule and personal preferences. Research different breeds to find the one that matches your activity level, living space and family dynamics. Some pets require more exercise and attention while others are more independent. Also consider any allergies or sensitivities you or your family members may have as some pets may trigger allergies or asthma symptoms.

Set Up Your Home
Before bringing your new pet home, create a safe and comfortable environment. Start by pet-proofing your home, removing any hazardous substances and securing loose wires or cords. Make sure to store cleaning supplies, medications and toxic plants out of reach. Provide a designated space that includes a cozy bed or crate, food and water bowls and toys. Cats may need a litter box, scratching post and place to climb or hide. Dogs may require a fenced yard or designated area for bathroom breaks. Also consider restricting access to certain areas of your home, especially during the initial adjustment period, with a pet gate to help prevent accidents or damage to belongings.

Create a Routine
Pets thrive on routine. Establish a consistent schedule for feeding, exercise and bathroom breaks. Determine the appropriate amount and frequency of meals for your pet’s age, size and breed. Dogs may require daily walks, playtime or trips to the dog park. Cats can benefit from interactive toys and vertical spaces like cat trees. Remember to spend quality time with your pet every day, providing attention, affection and mental stimulation, which can help strengthen the bond between you and your pet and ensure overall happiness and well-being.

Budget for Your Pet’s Needs
Owning a pet comes with financial responsibilities. Consider the costs of food, grooming, veterinary care, vaccinations and preventive medications, factoring in research based on the average costs of owning a pet of your chosen breed. Additionally, factor in the cost of toys, bedding, litter and other supplies. It’s also recommended to set aside a contingency fund for unexpected veterinary bills or emergencies that may arise.

Find a Reliable Veterinarian
Regular check-ups and open communication with a local veterinarian can help detect any potential health issues early and ensure your pet receives the best possible care. When searching for a provider, ask friends, family or neighbors who have pets for recommendations and read reviews before scheduling visits to potential veterinarians’ offices to meet the staffs, tour the facilities and ask any questions you may have. Ensure the veterinarian offers a wide range of services, including preventive care, vaccinations, spaying/neutering, dental care and emergency services. Consider the location and hours of operation to ensure convenience and accessibility for routine visits and emergencies.

Find more tips for welcoming a furry friend into your home at eLivingtoday.com.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash




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