Food and Beverage
Recetas rápidas y fáciles para tu plan semanal de comidas: Comidas sencillas y nutritivas para dedicar más tiempo a la familia
Dedicar tiempo a comer juntos puede tener un impacto positivo en el bienestar de las familias, incluidos los niños y adolescentes.
(Family Features) Dedicar tiempo a comer juntos puede tener un impacto positivo en el bienestar de las familias, incluidos los niños y adolescentes. De hecho, las comidas regulares en casa pueden ayudar a reducir el estrés y aumentar la autoestima, según una investigación publicada en “Canadian Family Physician”.
Las conversaciones a la hora de comer también son una oportunidad perfecta para conectarse con sus seres queridos. Un estudio publicado en “New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development” demostró que estas conversaciones ayudan a mejorar el vocabulario de los niños más que leerles en voz alta.
Sin embargo, hacer tiempo para comer juntos no debería requerir pasar toda la noche en la cocina. Un ingrediente fácil de preparar como los huevos puede ayudarle a pasar menos tiempo cocinando y más tiempo con la familia.
Por ejemplo, estas recetas saludables para el corazón de tostadas de huevo escalfado con salsa de aguacate y tomate, picadillo de camote con huevos y frittata poblana de la iniciativa Healthy for Good Eat Smart, respaldada a nivel nacional por Eggland’s Best, están listas en 15 minutos o menos. Incluyen una amplia variedad de verduras, frutas, cereales integrales y fuentes de proteínas saludables, recomendadas por la American Heart Association para ayudar a prevenir enfermedades cardíacas y accidentes cerebrovasculares.
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Tostadas de huevo escalfado con salsa de aguacate y tomatillo
Porciones: 4 (1 huevo y 1/2 taza de salsa por porción)
- aceite antiadherente en aerosol
- 4 tortillas de maíz (6 pulgadas cada una)
- 4 tazas de agua
- 1 cucharada de vinagre de vino blanco
- 4 huevos grandes
- 1 aguacate mediano, cortado en cubitos
- 1 Chile Anaheim o poblano mediano, sin semillas ni venas, cortado en cubitos
- 1 tomatillo mediano, sin la cáscara, lavado y cortado en cubos
- 1/2 tomate mediano, cortado en cubitos
- 1/4 taza de cebolla morada, en cubos
- 1/4 taza de cilantro fresco picado
- 2 cucharadas de jugo de lima fresco
- 1 diente de ajo mediano, picado
- 1/8 cucharadita de sal
- Precaliente el horno a 400 F. Cubra una bandeja para hornear con papel de aluminio. Rocíe ligeramente el papel de aluminio con aceite en aerosol antiadherente.
- Coloque las tortillas en una sola capa sobre papel de aluminio. Rocíe ligeramente las tortillas con aceite en aerosol antiadherente. Con un tenedor, pinche las tortillas para evitar que se llenen de aire. Hornee de 5 a 6 minutos por cada lado o hasta que estén doradas. Transfiera a platos para servir.
- En una sartén grande a fuego alto, hierva el agua y el vinagre.
- Una vez que el agua esté hirviendo, reduzca el fuego y cocine a fuego lento. Rompa el huevo en una taza y luego deslícelo con cuidado al agua hirviendo. Repita con los huevos restantes, evitando que los huevos se toquen en el agua. Cocine a fuego lento de 3 a 5 minutos, o hasta que las claras de huevo estén completamente cuajadas y las yemas comiencen a cuajar pero no estén duras. Con una espumadera, escurra los huevos. Coloque cada huevo sobre una tostada.
- Para hacer la salsa: En un tazón mediano, mezcle suavemente el aguacate, el pimiento, el tomatillo, el tomate, la cebolla morada, el cilantro, el jugo de limón, el ajo y la sal. Servir con las tostadas.
Información nutricional por porción: 185 calorías; 11 g de grasa total; 2.5 g de grasa saturada; 3 g de grasa poliinsaturada; 5 g de grasa monoinsaturada; 186 mg de colesterol; 169 mg de sodio; 15 g de carbohidratos; 3 g de fibra; 2 g de azúcares totales; 9 g de proteína.
Frittata Poblana
Porciones: 4 (2 porciones por ración)
- 4 huevos grandes
- 1/4 taza de leche descremada
- 2 cucharadas de cilantro fresco picado
- 1 cucharadita de aceite de oliva
- 2 chiles poblanos medianos, sin semillas y venas, picados
- 2 tazas de maíz entero congelado, descongelado
- 2 cebollas verdes medianas, picadas
- 1/4 taza de queso Cotija finamente rallado o queso fresco desmenuzado
- 1 tomate mediano, picado
- 1/4 taza de crema agria sin grasa
- En un tazón mediano, bata los huevos, la leche y el cilantro.
- En una sartén mediana a fuego medio, caliente el aceite, revolviendo para cubrir el fondo de la sartén. Cocine los chiles poblanos durante 3 minutos o hasta que se doren en los bordes, revolviendo con frecuencia.
- Agregue el maíz y la cebolla verde. Reduzca el fuego a medio-bajo y vierta con cuidado la mezcla de huevo. Cocine, tapado, durante 10 minutos o hasta que la mezcla esté firme en los bordes y aún blanda en el centro. Evite cocinarlo demasiado. Retire del fuego.
- Espolvoree con queso. Cortar en ocho porciones. Coloque dos porciones en cada plato. Cubra con tomates y crema agria.
Información nutricional por porción: 244 calorías; 8.5 g de grasa total; 2.5 g de grasa saturada; 1.5 g de grasa poliinsaturada; 3 g de grasa monoinsaturada; 192 mg de colesterol; 177 mg de sodio; 27 g de carbohidratos; 4 g de fibra; 8 g de azúcares totales; 13 g de proteína.
Picadillo de camote con huevos
Porciones: 4 (1 taza por porción)
- 2 cucharaditas de aceite de canola o maíz
- 1/2 cebolla mediana, picada
- 4 camotes medianos, pelados y cortados en cubos de 1/2 pulgada
- 1/2 pimiento morrón rojo o verde mediano, picado
- 2/3 taza de caldo de verduras sin grasa y bajo en sodio
- 2 cucharadita de ajo picado
- 2 cucharadita de pimentón ahumado
- 1 cucharadita de comino molido
- 1/2 cucharadita de tomillo seco, desmenuzado
- 1/2 cucharadita de pimienta molida gruesa
- 1/8 cucharadita de sal
- 4 huevos grandes
- salsa de pimiento picante (opcional)
- En una olla a presión puesta para saltear, caliente el aceite. Cocine la cebolla durante 3 minutos o hasta que esté suave, revolviendo con frecuencia. Apague la olla a presión.
- Agregue los camotes, el pimiento morrón, el caldo, el ajo, el pimentón, el comino, el tomillo, la pimienta y la sal. Cierre la tapa. Cocine a alta presión durante 3 minutos. Libere rápidamente la presión. Apague la olla a presión.
- Retire la tapa de la olla a presión. Rompa un huevo en un tazón pequeño. Con el dorso de una cuchara, haga pequeños huecos en los camotes. Deslice el huevo en el hueco. Repita la acción con los huevos restantes, haciendo un hueco para cada huevo. Cierre la tapa con la ventilación de presión abierta. Saltee 2 minutos. Deje reposar en “mantener caliente” durante 2 minutos, o hasta que los huevos estén cocidos con la consistencia deseada.
- Si lo desea, puede servir el hash rociado con un chorrito de salsa picante.
Información nutricional por porción: 258 calorías; 7.5 g de grasa total; 2 g de grasa saturada; 1.5 g de grasa poliinsaturada; 3 g de grasa monoinsaturada; 186 mg de colesterol; 244 mg de sodio; 39 g de carbohidratos; 6 g de fibra; 9 g de azúcares totales; 10 g de proteína.
American Heart Association
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Food and Beverage
Cinnamon, spice and ‘everything nice’ – why lead-tainted cinnamon products have turned up on shelves, and what questions consumers should ask
A Consumer Reports investigation revealed alarming lead levels in ground cinnamon, prompting concerns over safety, especially for children and pregnant women.
Katarzyna Kordas, University at Buffalo
Spices bring up feelings of comfort, cultural belonging and holidays. They can make our homes smell amazing and our food taste delicious. They can satisfy our cravings, expand our culinary horizons and help us eat things that we might normally dislike. Spices have health-enhancing properties and, in medicine, have been used to heal people since the ancient times.
Recently, however, spices have been getting a bad rep.
In September 2024, Consumer Reports, a nonprofit organization created to inform consumers about products sold in the U.S., investigated more than three dozen ground cinnamon products and found that 1 in 3 contained lead levels above 1 part per million, enough to trigger a recall in New York, one U.S. state that has published guidelines for heavy metals in spices.
The Food and Drug Administration issued three alerts throughout 2024, warning consumers about lead in certain brands of cinnamon products. Such notices rightfully put consumers on alert and have people wondering if the spice products they buy are safe – or not. A Consumer Reports investigation of more than three dozen ground cinnamon products found that 1 in 3 contain lead levels above 1 part per million.
As an environmental epidemiologist with training in nutritional sciences, I have investigated the relationship between nutritional status, diets and heavy metal exposures in children.
There are several things consumers should be thinking about when it comes to lead – and other heavy metals – in cinnamon.
Why is lead found in cinnamon?
Most people are familiar with cinnamon in two forms – sticks and ground spice. Both come from the dried inner bark of the cinnamon tree, which is harvested after a few years of cultivation. For the U.S. market, cinnamon is largely imported from Indonesia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, India and China.
One way that lead could accumulate in cinnamon tree bark is when trees are cultivated in contaminated soil. Lead can also be introduced in cinnamon products during processing, such as grinding.
When ground cinnamon is prepared, some producers may add lead compounds intentionally to enhance the weight or color of the product and, thus, fetch a higher sale price. This is known as “food adulteration,” and products with known or suspected adulteration are refused entry into the U.S.
However, in the fall of 2023, approximately 600 cases of elevated blood lead levels in the U.S., defined as levels equal to or above 3.5 micrograms per deciliter – mostly among children – were linked to the consumption of certain brands of cinnamon apple sauce. The levels of lead in cinnamon used to manufacture those products ranged from 2,270 to 5,110 parts per million, indicating food adulteration. The manufacturing plant was investigated by the FDA.
More broadly, spices purchased from vendors in the U.S. have lower lead levels than those sold abroad.
There is some evidence that cinnamon sticks have lower lead levels than ground spice. Lead levels in ground cinnamon sold in the U.S. and analyzed by Consumer Reports ranged from 0.02 to 3.52 parts per million. These levels were at least 1,500 times lower than in the adulterated cinnamon.
There are no federal guidelines for lead or other heavy metals in spices. New York state has proposed even stricter guidelines than its current level of 1 part per million, which would allow the New York Department of Agriculture and Markets to remove products from commerce if lead levels exceed 0.21 parts per million.
What does it mean that ‘the dose makes the poison’?
The current FDA guideline on daily intake of lead from diets overall is to limit lead intake to 2.2 micrograms per day for children. For women of reproductive age, this value is 8.8 micrograms.
The lead dose we are exposed to from foods depends on the level of lead in the food and how much of that food we eat. Higher doses mean more potential harm. The frequency with which we consume foods – meaning daily versus occasionally – also matters.
For spices like cinnamon, the amount and frequency of consumption depends on cultural traditions and personal preference. For many, cinnamon is a seasonal spice; others use it year-round in savory dishes or sauces.
Cinnamon is beloved in baked goods. Take a cinnamon roll recipe calling for 1.5 tablespoons (slightly less than 12 grams) of the spice. If a recipe yields 12 rolls, each will have around 1 gram of cinnamon. In the Consumer Reports investigation, some cinnamon products were classified as “okay to use” or “best to use.”
The highest value of lead in cinnamon products in the “okay to use” category was 0.87 parts per million, and in the “best to use” category, it was 0.15 parts per million. A child would have to consume 2.5 or more rolls made with the “okay to use” cinnamon to exceed the FDA guideline on limiting lead intake from foods to 2.2 micrograms per day, assuming that no other food contained lead. To exceed this guideline with “best to use” cinnamon, a child would have to eat 15 or more rolls.
Can cinnamon contribute to elevated blood lead levels?
Because of lead’s effects on development in early life, the greatest concern is for exposure in young children and pregnant women. Lead is absorbed in the small intestine, where it can latch onto cellular receptors that evolved to carry iron and other metals.
The impact of a contaminated spice on a person’s blood lead level depends on the dose of exposure and the proportion of lead available for intestinal absorption. For several spices, the proportion of available lead was 49%, which means that about half of the lead that is ingested will be absorbed.
Lead absorption is higher after a fast of three hours or more, and skipping breakfast may contribute to higher blood lead levels in children.
People who have nutritional deficiencies, such as iron deficiency, also tend to absorb more lead and have higher blood lead levels. This is because our bodies compensate for the deficiency by producing more receptors to capture iron from foods. Lead takes advantage of the additional receptors to enter the body. Young children and pregnant women are at higher risk for developing iron deficiency, so there is good reason for vigilance about lead in the foods they consume.
Studies show that among children with lead poisoning in the U.S., contaminated spices were one of several sources of lead exposure. Studies that estimate blood lead levels from statistical models suggest that consuming 5 micrograms of lead or more from spices daily could substantially contribute to elevated blood lead levels.
For occasional or seasonal consumption, or lower levels of contamination, more research is needed to understand how lead in spices would affect lead levels in the blood.
For people who have other sources of lead in their homes, jobs or hobbies, additional lead from foods or spices may matter more because it adds to the cumulative dose from multiple exposure sources.
How to test for elevated blood lead levels
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that children at risk for lead exposure get a blood lead test at 1 and 2 years of age. Older children can also get tested. Finger-prick screening tests are often available in pediatric offices, but results may need to be confirmed in venous blood if the screening result was elevated.
Adults in the U.S. are not routinely tested for lead exposure, but concerned couples who plan on having children should talk to their health care providers.
What to consider when using or buying cinnamon or other spices
If the product is on an FDA Alert or the Consumer Reports “don’t use” list, discard it.
Other questions to consider are:
- Does your household use spices frequently and in large amounts?
- Do young children or pregnant women in your household consume spices?
- Do you typically consume spices on breakfast foods or beverages?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then buy good-quality products, from large, reputable sellers. Think about using cinnamon sticks if possible.
And continue to enjoy spices!
Katarzyna Kordas, Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Environmental Health, University at Buffalo
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
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Food and Beverage
Single-Serve Seasonal Sweets
( Instead of assigning cake cutting duty at your holiday party, let dessert serve itself with these Mini Pecan Cheesecakes from “Cookin’ Savvy.” Individually wrapped for ease and convenience – or for giving as parting gifts – they’re a rich and delicious holiday treat. Find more festive desserts at
Mini Pecan Cheesecakes
Recipe courtesy of “Cookin’ Savvy”
Yield: 20 mini cheesecakes
- 1 package plain round shortbread cookies
- 1 tablespoon flour
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 2 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese, softened
- 2 large eggs
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1/4 cup sour cream
- 1 stick butter, melted
- 3/4 cup brown sugar
- 3/4 cup crushed pecans
- Heat oven to 325 F.
- In muffin pan, fill each hole with paper cupcake liners. Place one cookie in bottom of each cup.
- Whisk flour and sugar. Mix in cream cheese. Using hand mixer, blend in eggs one at a time then add vanilla and sour cream. Mix until smooth then spoon on top of cookies.
- Mix butter, brown sugar and crushed pecans. Spoon on top of cheesecake mixture.
- Bake 25 minutes. Let cool before serving.
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Food and Beverage
Save Precious Time with Slow-Cooked Pulled Pork
Easy recipes like Cranberry Pulled Pork enable you to enjoy quality time with loved ones during busy seasons. Explore more culinary inspiration at for delightful holiday meals.
( Whether you’re hosting a holiday celebration or enjoying a weeknight meal during this busy season, easy recipes can help make the most of your time. Enjoy more of those precious moments with loved ones and less time in the kitchen with Cranberry Pulled Pork, a slow-cooked solution with sweet cranberries perfectly complementing pork shoulder. Find more recipes to save time during the holidays at
Cranberry Pulled Pork
Recipe courtesy of “Cookin’ Savvy”
Servings: 6-8
- 2 cans whole berry cranberry sauce
- 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
- 1/2 cup brown sugar, divided
- 1 pork shoulder (7-8 pounds)
- In bowl, mix cranberry sauce, balsamic vinegar and 1/4 cup brown sugar.
- Place pork shoulder in slow cooker and rub remaining brown sugar into meat.
- Cover meat with cranberry mixture. Cook on low 6-8 hours or high 4-6 hours.
At our core, we at STM Daily News, strive to keep you informed and inspired with the freshest content on all things food and beverage. From mouthwatering recipes to intriguing articles, we’re here to satisfy your appetite for culinary knowledge.
Visit our Food & Drink section to get the latest on Foodie News and recipes, offering a delightful blend of culinary inspiration and gastronomic trends to elevate your dining experience.
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