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Food and Beverage

Dale un estímulo a tu cerebro: 5 maneras de promover la salud del cerebro



(Family Features) Cuando se trata de mantenerse saludable, se le da prioridad al estado físico. Sin embargo, es importante saber que nutrir y mantener la salud del cerebro también es importante para llevar una vida plena. 

El cerebro es el centro de mando del cuerpo humano y como tal, influye en todos los aspectos de la vida. Mantener la salud del cerebro requiere proporcionarle nutrición, descanso y estimulación saludable.

Consumir alimentos integrales y saludables, incluyendo las verduras y frutas, como las uvas, puede ayudar a establecer una base sólida para la salud del cerebro. Por ejemplo, las uvas pueden ayudar a proteger contra el deterioro metabólico en el cerebro asociado con el envejecimiento natural; en un estudio en humanos, con personas de edad avanzada que presentaban un leve deterioro cognitivo, los investigadores de la Universidad de California, Los Ángeles (UCLA) descubrieron que consumir 2 1/4 tazas de uvas todos los días mantuvieron una actividad metabólica saludable en las regiones del cerebro asociadas con la enfermedad de Alzheimer en etapa temprana, donde se produce el deterioro metabólico. 

Agregar uvas a sus recetas saludables favoritas, o disfrutarlas como un simple refrigerio, ayuda a mantener un cerebro saludable. Considere estas formas adicionales recomendada por los expertos de la Clínica Mayo para promover una salud cerebral positiva.

Duerma bien
Los expertos en salud recomiendan dormir al menos siete horas por noche. Como señaló la Clínica Mayo, el sueño adecuado puede ayudar a mejorar la memoria en general y la salud del cerebro al darle tiempo al cerebro para consolidar los recuerdos de manera efectiva.

Siga una dieta saludable
Comer de manera nutritiva beneficia al cuerpo de muchas maneras, incluso desempeña un papel en la salud del cerebro. Los expertos consideran que los planes de alimentación saludables como la dieta mediterránea, que hace hincapié en los alimentos de origen vegetal, granos integrales, pescado, grasas saludables, frutas y verduras, son especialmente beneficiosos. Recetas como la de garbanzos y cuscús con uvas y rúcula ofrecen una variedad de ingredientes para apoyar la salud del cerebro de maneras deliciosas. Esta receta también es apropiada para el corazón porque lo que es bueno para el corazón también es bueno para el cerebro.

Mantenga una vida social
Manténgase en contacto con familiares y amigos. Según los expertos en salud, incluyendo la Clínica Mayo, mantenerse conectado e interactuar socialmente puede ayudar a protegerse contra la depresión y el estrés, que pueden contribuir a la pérdida de la memoria.

Haga ejercicio regularmente
Mantenerse físicamente activo brinda beneficios muy conocidos para el cuerpo, y el ejercicio también puede beneficiar al cerebro al aumentar el flujo de sangre hacia este él. Después de hacer ejercicio, recurra a un refrigerio como las Uvas de California para obtener energía e hidratación natural.

Mantenga su mente activa
Al igual que los músculos de todo el cuerpo, el cerebro debe usarse continuamente para fortalecerlo. Con casi infinitas maneras de estimular la mente, hay algo para que todos mantengan su cerebro en forma, desde crucigramas o rompecabezas, hasta leer, aprender un nuevo idioma, jugar a las cartas o resolver sudokus.

Para encontrar más información sobre la conexión entre las uvas y la salud, o descubrir recetas nutritivas, visite GrapesfromCalifornia.com.

Garbanzos tibios y cuscús con uvas y rúcula

Tiempo de preparación: 10 minutos
Tiempo de cocción: 20 minutos
Porciones: 4

  • 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva virgen extra
  • 1 cebolla pequeña, picada
  • 1 1/2 cucharaditas de comino molido
  • 1/2 cucharadita de sal kosher, más adicional, al gusto, dividida
  • 1/8 cucharadita de pimienta de Jamaica molida
  • 1 taza de cuscús perlado israelí
  • 3/4 cucharadita de cúrcuma molida
  • 1 1/2 tazas de agua
  • 1 lata (15 onzas) de garbanzos sin sal añadida, escurridos
  • 1 taza de uvas rojas de California, picadas por la mitad
  • 2 cucharadas de cilantro o perejil fresco picado
  • pimienta negra recién molida, al gusto
  • 4 tazas de rúcula tierna ligeramente compactada
  • rodajas de limón amarillo
  1. En una cacerola grande a fuego medio, caliente el aceite. Agrega la cebolla, el comino, 1/2 cucharadita de sal y la pimienta de Jamaica; cocine, revolviendo, hasta que la cebolla se ablande, aproximadamente 3 minutos. Agregue el cuscús y revuelva durante 1 minuto para tostar ligeramente. Agrega la cúrcuma y el agua; dejar hervir. Reduzca el fuego, cubra y cocine a fuego lento hasta que el cuscús esté tierno, aproximadamente 15 minutos.
  2. Añada los garbanzos, las uvas y el cilantro en el cuscús y luego sazone con sal y pimienta al gusto. Transfiera la mezcla de cuscús y uvas a un tazón grande, agregue la rúcula y mezcle bien. Sirva tibio o a temperatura ambiente con rodajas de limón.

Información nutricional por porción: 370 calorías; 12 g de proteína; 61 g de carbohidratos; 9 g de grasa (17% de calorías de grasa); 1 g de grasa saturada (2% de calorías de grasa saturada); 0 mg de colesterol; 160 mg de sodio; 8 g de fibra.

California Table Grape Commission

Foodie News

Instacart and Uber Join Forces: Seamless Ordering from Restaurants to Groceries

Instacart and Uber partner to offer customers a seamless experience, ordering from restaurants and groceries in one app. Convenience redefined!



In a strategic partnership that aims to bring more convenience to customers, Instacart and Uber Technologies have announced a collaboration that will allow Instacart customers to order from hundreds of thousands of restaurants through the Instacart app, powered by Uber Eats.

The partnership will introduce a new “Restaurants” tab in the Instacart app, providing a user-friendly interface for customers to browse menus, place orders, and track deliveries in real-time. This addition will complement Instacart’s existing service of ordering groceries from various retail banners across the United States. Instacart+ members will enjoy even more value, with $0 delivery for orders over $35.

The CEO of Uber, Dara Khosrowshahi, expressed excitement about the partnership, stating that the collaboration would bring the magic of Uber Eats to more consumers, drive more business for restaurants, and create more earning opportunities for couriers. Fidji Simo, the CEO and Chair of Instacart, highlighted the convenience that this partnership would provide, allowing customers to fulfill all their food needs from a single app.

"Image of Instacart and Uber logos, representing their partnership and convenience."

For Uber, the partnership provides an additional channel to generate more orders for Uber Eats restaurant partners. It also allows the company to expand its restaurant selection to millions of Instacart users across the United States, including suburban markets.

This collaboration is part of both companies’ efforts to support brick-and-mortar businesses. By providing technologies and solutions that help restaurants and retailers grow, Uber and Instacart aim to increase opportunities for these businesses to reach new customers and drive more sales through an enhanced Instacart experience.

Uber’s mission of creating opportunity through movement aligns with Instacart’s goal of transforming how people shop by partnering with grocers and retailers. Instacart’s partnership with over 1,500 national, regional, and local retail banners, as well as its network of shoppers, allows millions of people to conveniently shop for groceries from their favorite retailers.

The partnership between Instacart and Uber Eats opens up new possibilities for both businesses and customers, providing a seamless experience for ordering groceries and restaurant meals in a single app. With this collaboration, Instacart and Uber continue to revolutionize the way people access food and other goods, making it easier and more convenient for everyone.



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Food and Beverage

Nomad Foods to Report First Quarter 2024 Financial Results on Thursday, May 9, 2024



WOKING, England /PRNewswire/ — Nomad Foods Limited (NYSE: NOMD), today announced it will report results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2024 before New York Stock Exchange market open on Thursday, May 9, 2024. A conference call with members of the executive management team will be held to discuss the results with additional comments and details.

The conference call is scheduled to begin at 8:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time on Thursday, May 9, 2024. To participate on the live call listeners in North America may dial +1-877-451-6152 and international listeners may dial +1-201-389-0879. Additionally, there will be a presentation to accompany the conference call and the call is being webcast. Both can be accessed at the Nomad Foods website at www.nomadfoods.com under Investor Relations. A replay of the conference call will be available on the Company website for two weeks following the event and can be accessed by listeners in North America by dialing +1-844-512-2921 and by international listeners by dialing +1-412-317-6671; the replay pin number is 13745160.

Investor Relations Contact
Amit Sharma, Head of Investor Relations

About Nomad Foods
Nomad Foods (NYSE: NOMD) is Europe’s leading frozen food company. The Company’s portfolio of iconic brands, which includes Birds EyeFindusigloLedo and Frikom, have been a part of consumers’ meals for generations, standing for great tasting food that is convenient, high quality and nutritious. Nomad Foods is headquartered in the United Kingdom. Additional information may be found at www.nomadfoods.com.

SOURCE Nomad Foods Limited

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Food and Beverage

Germany Leads the Way in Vegan Fast Food Boom: Health, Sustainability, and Animal Welfare Drive Market Growth

Germany’s vegan fast food market surges as health, sustainability, and animal welfare concerns drive demand. A delicious and ethical option.



In recent years, the vegan fast food market has seen a significant surge in demand, driven by growing concerns for health, sustainability, and animal welfare. One country leading this growth is Germany, where the market is expected to experience a 4.7% compound annual growth rate (CAGR), signaling a strong European market.

One of the primary reasons for the rise in popularity of vegan fast food is the increasing focus on health. Many people are becoming more aware of the negative impact of meat-based diets on human health and are looking for healthier alternatives. Vegan fast food offers a range of options that are free from animal products and made from whole foods such as vegetables, fruits, and legumes, which are high in essential nutrients and fiber and low in unhealthy saturated fats.

Environmental concerns are also driving the demand for vegan fast food. The meat industry is known to have a significant impact on the environment, with animal agriculture being a leading contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, water pollution, and deforestation. By opting for vegan fast food, consumers can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Ethical considerations are another major factor behind the growth of the vegan fast food market. Many people are concerned about animal welfare and are looking for ways to reduce their impact on animals. By choosing vegan options, consumers can avoid contributing to the exploitation and suffering of animals often associated with the meat industry.

The increasing demand for vegan fast food has led to an expansion of the market, with many fast-food chains and restaurants now offering vegan options. This has made it easier for people to access vegan food, and as a result, more people are trying it out. Social media has also played a significant role in promoting veganism and vegan fast food, with many influencers and celebrities endorsing it on their platforms.

As the market continues to grow, multinational fast-food chains are also playing a crucial role in shaping consumer preferences for vegan fast food. Companies like Taco Bell, Chipotle, Jamba Juice, and Starbucks have introduced vegetarian burgers, sausages, and milk, contributing to the expansion of the plant-based fast-food sector.

In response to the increasing demand for plant-based food options, Burger King Germany introduced a new range of affordable plant-based meals in 2024. This move not only caters to changing consumer preferences but also reflects the fast-food industry’s efforts to provide sustainable and environmentally friendly food choices. These menu items are particularly appealing to health-conscious customers seeking healthier options.

Overall, the future looks bright for the vegan fast food market, with a projected CAGR of 4.1% and a market value of US$ 28,198.30 million by 2034. With a growing focus on health, sustainability, and animal welfare, more people are likely to embrace vegan fast food as a delicious and ethical option in the years to come.

This article was obtained from a press release distributed via PR Newswire about a report release and from a blog post on Future Market Insight.. Click the link below to read it.


About the Author of the Report:

Nandini Roy Choudhury is a Client Partner for Food & Beverages at Future Market Insights, Inc. With over seven years of management consulting experience, she advises industry leaders and explores hidden opportunities and challenges. Her expertise lies in implementing effective processes and operating models that align with the business objectives of her clients.

“Her analytical skills are exceptional, and she frequently contributes thought leadership to discussions.”

Nandini possesses extensive functional expertise in various domains, including food ingredients, nutrition and health solutions, animal nutrition, and marine nutrients. Additionally, she has a good understanding of the pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, retail, and chemical sectors, where she advises market players to develop strategies and methodologies that yield positive outcomes. One of her notable achievements is her contribution to process automation. She advocates for the integration of automation in manufacturing to bring about a comprehensive revolution in the sector.

Her primary area of specialization is corporate growth strategy, improving sales and marketing effectiveness, managing acquisitions and post-merger integration, as well as implementing cost reduction measures. Nandini completed her MBA in Finance at MIT School of Business, and she also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Nagpur University, India.

Nandini has authored various publications and has been quoted in journals such as Beverage Industry, Bloomberg, and Wine Industry Advisor.

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About Future Market Insights (FMI)

Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting service provider, serving clients in over 150 countries. FMI is headquartered in Dubai and has delivery centers in the UK, the U.S., and India. FMI’s latest market research reports and industry analysis help businesses navigate challenges and make critical decisions with confidence and clarity amidst breakneck competition. Our customized and syndicated market research reports deliver actionable insights that drive sustainable growth. A team of expert-led analysts at FMI continuously tracks emerging trends and events in a broad range of industries to ensure that our clients prepare for the evolving needs of their consumers.


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