Maria San Filippo, Emerson College Writing during what seems – in retrospect – to have been the wildly carefree summer...
Emerging from generative AI's quirky landscape, artists are creatively experimenting with new cinematic storytelling, blending surrealism and nostalgia, while transforming challenges into vibrant, imaginative experiences for...
The short film "Exodos," directed by Eleni Doucas, follows 17-year-old Haley as she confronts loyalty and identity, ultimately seeking a brighter future beyond her criminal upbringing....
"The Dink" is a sports comedy film about a washed-up tennis pro, blending humor and pickleball, featuring Jake Johnson, Mary Steenburgen, and Ed Harris, directed by...
"Dear America, A Letter From Black Women" is a documentary highlighting Black women's role in U.S. politics, aiming to mobilize 100,000 Black women to vote.
Allan Piper's horror comedy 'eVil Sublet' debuts October 1, 2024, blending humor and horror. Inspired by real hauntings, its unique plot and notable performances promise Halloween...
"STAMPILA" sparked a real revolution in Moldova, proving the film's power to ignite change and challenge corruption.
"Berta" reveals the dark side of vengeance through feminist horror. Premiering at Fantasia Film Festival. #BERTAFilm
Welcome back to another episode of the STM Daily News podcast! In this action-packed episode, we bring you a thrilling recap of the week’s most exciting...
A Female-Led, Written, and Produced Film That Culminates After a Decade-Long Journey The anticipation builds as the indie feature film ‘INHERITANCE’, directed by Emily Moss Wilson,...