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Black History Month



Black History Month

Celebrating Black History

Black History Month is an annual observance originating in the United States, where it is also known as African-American History Month. It has received official recognition from governments in the United States and Canada, and more recently has been observed in Ireland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. It began as a way of remembering important people and events in the history of the African diaspora. It is celebrated in February in the United States[^5^] and Canada,[^6^] while in Ireland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom it is observed in October.

Black History Month is a significant time not only for recognizing the incredible contributions of African-Americans but also for educational purposes, highlighting both well-known and lesser-known figures who played pivotal roles in history. This observance prompts schools, institutions, and communities to provide educational programs and sessions that delve deeper into the struggles, triumphs, and ongoing issues faced by African-Americans.

Beyond academic discussion, Black History Month serves as an opportunity to celebrate African-American culture, achievements, and contributions in various fields such as arts, sciences, politics, sports, and literature. Events often include public lectures, cultural performances, art exhibitions, and film screenings that offer a rich, multifaceted view of African-American heritage and progress.

Additionally, Black History is not just a month-long observance in February but a continual look at African-American contributions to this country. Embracing this perspective encourages a year-round commitment to understanding and appreciating the pervasive influence of African-Americans throughout all aspects of U.S. history and culture. This inclusive and comprehensive approach ensures that the recognition and celebration of African-American history don’t become trivialized to a fleeting, annual event but are embedded into the broader narrative of American identity.

The Bridge is a section of the STM Daily News Blog meant for diversity, offering real news stories about bona fide community efforts to perpetuate a greater good. The purpose of The Bridge is to connect the divides that separate us, fostering understanding and empathy among different groups. By highlighting positive initiatives and inspirational actions, The Bridge aims to create a sense of unity and shared purpose. This section brings to light stories of individuals and organizations working tirelessly to promote inclusivity, equality, and mutual respect. Through these narratives, readers are encouraged to appreciate the richness of diverse perspectives and to participate actively in building stronger, more cohesive communities.




  • Rod Washington

    Rod: A creative force, blending words, images, and flavors. Blogger, writer, filmmaker, and photographer. Cooking enthusiast with a sci-fi vision. Passionate about his upcoming series and dedicated to TNC Network. Partnered with Rebecca Washington for a shared journey of love and art.

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Rod: A creative force, blending words, images, and flavors. Blogger, writer, filmmaker, and photographer. Cooking enthusiast with a sci-fi vision. Passionate about his upcoming series and dedicated to TNC Network. Partnered with Rebecca Washington for a shared journey of love and art.

Project Green

Going Green in Your Community



(Family Features) Preserving your community for future generations can take many forms. It might mean volunteering with local organizations and participating in community improvement initiatives. Taking steps to protect the environment is another critical way to ensure your community remains safe and livable for generations to come.

These ideas show that going green can be as simple as making small modifications to everyday actions you already take.

Donating Unwanted Goods
Landfills are overflowing with items that still have plenty of useful life. Often, those discarded items could be repurposed to provide an affordable option to those who can’t afford new, full-price versions. Before loading up your trash can, consider donating things like household goods and clothing that could still serve a purpose. Numerous organizations accept gently used goods that they either distribute directly to those in need or sell to the general public, with proceeds benefiting a specific cause or population. Look into the options in your area to find the best fit for items you have that can be donated.

Rethinking Transportation
Pollution from transportation accounts for 29% of the United States’ emissions, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). That’s a higher percentage than any other category measured by the EPA. Carpooling, public transportation and even carefully planning your route are ways you can take personal accountability to help reduce the problem.

Another way to improve transportation emissions is by talking to your school district about its school bus choices. Diesel school buses are not only expensive to operate, but they are harmful to children’s health, the community and the climate, according to data compiled by the Propane Education & Research Council. Conversely, propane reduces harmful emissions that impact student health and air quality in the community. By advocating for your district to convert to a more environmentally friendly transportation option, such as propane, you can help further reduce harmful emissions in your community.

Find more information about propane-powered buses at BetterOurBuses.com.

Recycling and Composting
Another way to reduce landfill waste is recycling and composting. Many of the items you throw away can be recycled into all-new materials. For example, recycled plastic can be used in a wide range of products, from sleeping bags and backpacks to dishes and reusable water bottles. Food waste represents a large share of landfills, too. Eventually it will biodegrade, but composting what you can at home gives you nutrient-rich material you can use to support your garden or lawn with healthier soil and less need for pesticides.

Cleaning with Natural Products
Keeping your home clean takes more than a little elbow grease, but the harsh chemicals found in many household cleaners are actually quite damaging. The chemicals can be poisonous or contain allergens that negatively impact your home’s air quality. Natural cleaners are often more cost-efficient, so you can enjoy cleaner air and minimize your impact on the environment.

Taking Advantage of Natural Light
If you’re in the habit of flipping on a light switch as you walk in a room, next time pause and consider whether you really need additional light. During daylight hours, many rooms offer more than enough natural light. Sunlight can also help warm spaces naturally when it’s cool outdoors, so throw open the curtains and let those warm, bright rays shine. If you do need additional light, consider relying on task lighting to illuminate your project rather than an overhead light that consumes more electricity.

Benefits of Propane School Buses

Over the last several decades, there have been many advances in student transportation. However, one area that could still use improvement is the number of students who ride to school on diesel buses that pollute the air. Today, there are two meaningful energy choices for clean student transportation: propane and electric. While both can achieve clean transportation, propane buses cost one-third the price of electric, allowing districts to replace their aging diesel fleet faster.

As an affordable, available and clean energy source, propane buses make practical sense. The buses reduce harmful emissions by 96% compared to diesel. They can also meet school districts’ needs with a range of up to 400 miles and the resiliency to continue operating across all terrains and in any weather. In fact, more than 1,000 school districts have already made the switch. Every day, 1.3 million children ride to school in 22,000 propane school buses across the country.

In 2022, the EPA introduced the Clean School Bus Program, which provides $5 billion over five years (2022-26) to replace existing diesel school buses with zero-emission and low-emission models.

Through three rounds of funding, the EPA program has allocated more than $2.8 billion for 8,427 electric school buses and 440 low-emissions propane buses. However, for the same amount of money that was distributed for the electric buses (about $2.77 billion), the program could have helped fund as many as 92,635 propane buses, assuming each propane bus received the $30,000 incentive.

When considering full lifecycle emissions, replacing 92,635 diesel buses with propane buses would have reduced harmful nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions by 24,664 metric tons over the three years the program has funded buses. By comparison, replacing just 8,427 diesel buses with electric buses will reduce NOx emissions by just 2,379 metric tons over the three years.

Propane Education & Research Council

The Bridge is a section of the STM Daily News Blog meant for diversity, offering real news stories about bona fide community efforts to perpetuate a greater good. The purpose of The Bridge is to connect the divides that separate us, fostering understanding and empathy among different groups. By highlighting positive initiatives and inspirational actions, The Bridge aims to create a sense of unity and shared purpose. This section brings to light stories of individuals and organizations working tirelessly to promote inclusivity, equality, and mutual respect. Through these narratives, readers are encouraged to appreciate the richness of diverse perspectives and to participate actively in building stronger, more cohesive communities.



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A Milestone in Prostate Cancer Research: The Inspiring Success of the RESPOND Study



In a monumental stride toward understanding and combating prostate cancer disparities, the RESPOND study has achieved a landmark victory by recruiting the largest cohort of African American men for prostate cancer research. This comes at a time when the need for such studies is more critical than ever, particularly given the disproportionate impact prostate cancer has on African American men.

Chasing Better Outcomes Amidst Challenges

Statistics reveal daunting disparities: African American men suffer from higher rates of prostate cancer with earlier onset and twice the mortality rate compared to other racial groups. Spearheaded by Dr. Christopher Haiman, a genetic epidemiologist at the University of Southern California (USC), the RESPOND study (Research on Prostate Cancer in Men of African Ancestry: Defining the Roles of Genetics, Tumor Markers, and Social Stress) has made remarkable strides in recruiting over 12,600 volunteers, far surpassing its initial goals.

Dr. Christopher Haiman, a genetic epidemiologist at the University of Southern California, is the RESPOND study’s principal investigator.

This success didn’t come easy, especially as the study’s recruitment phase coincided with the dual upheavals of the COVID-19 pandemic and a national reckoning with racial injustice under the Black Lives Matter movement. Nevertheless, the determination and innovative approaches employed by the RESPOND team, including using sophisticated tools like genome-wide genotyping and next-generation sequencing, have not only kept the study on track but also enriched its potential outcomes.

Understanding the Layers: From Genetics to Social Stress

The broad, holistic design of RESPOND allows examination of various factors potentially contributing to the stark disparities seen in prostate cancer outcomes among African American men. Dr. Haiman pointed out the use of geospatial information systems (GIS) to scrutinize the impact of environmental and social stresses on these men. Also, the study is delving into the roles of structural factors such as residential redlining, which historically denied essential services and opportunities based on racial composition of neighborhoods, thus potentially contributing to health disparities.

The Power of Collaboration and Community Engagement

The success of RESPOND owes much to Dr. Ann Hamilton, who co-leads the recruitment efforts drawing from her extensive background in epidemiological studies. Their team’s strategy involved direct engagement with the community, highlighting not only the immediate benefits of participation but also the long-term impacts for future generations. Collaborations with advocacy groups and leveraging community trust were also key to addressing and overcoming the skepticism often associated with participation in medical research among African American communities.

University of Southern California epidemiologist and the RESPOND’s recruitment lead, Dr. Ann Hamilton, with Mr. Freddie Muse, Jr., a men’s health advocate, at a prostate health event in Los Angeles.

The Road Ahead: Data Analysis and Future Research

As RESPond shifts from recruitment to data analysis, the possibilities are promising. Dr. Haiman envisions a series of future studies that could look into treatment types and their effects on survival rates, the use of AI in detecting tumor signatures, and genetic and lifestyle factors contributing to prostate cancer risks among African American men.

Each step forward not only brings us closer to understanding the complex interplay of factors contributing to cancer disparities but also underscores the crucial need for tailored medical research that respects and responds to the unique needs of diverse populations.

A Beacon of Hope

RESPOND stands as a beacon of hope, not just for those battling prostate and other forms of cancers but for the medical research community at large. It exemplifies how perseverance, innovation, and community engagement can come together to pave the way for groundbreaking advancements in health and medicine.

The thorough engagement of over 12,600 African American men in this significant study not only marks a historic achievement but also sets the stage for profound impacts on public health policies and future research methodologies. Through their dedication, the RESPOND team is creating a legacy that will benefit many generations to come, truly embodying the ethos of doing ‘what is needed for future generations’.

A Moment of Reflection

As we move forward, it is crucial to reflect on the lessons learned from the RESPOND study – lessons about resilience, the power of community, and the imperative to continually bridge gaps in healthcare disparities. The journey of RESPOND is far from over, but its impacts will resonate for years to, shaping the contours of minority health research and policy.

The journey towards equitable health outcomes continues, and thanks to initiatives like RESPOND, we are another step closer to a future where health disparities are no longer a barrier to living long, healthy lives.


Support & Further Reading
For further details on the RESPOND study and to support this critical research, please visit RESPOND Study Website. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of millions.

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Amtrak’s Borealis Route: Turning a Profit in Record Time

Amtrak’s Borealis route between St. Paul and Chicago turns a profit in just 11 days, setting a new standard for state-supported lines.



Borealis route

In a recent article published by Newsweek, it was reported that Amtrak’s new Borealis route between St. Paul and Chicago achieved a remarkable feat by turning a profit in just 11 days of operation. This achievement is particularly significant as it is one of the few state-supported lines within Amtrak’s network to do so.

The Borealis route managed to generate $600,000 in operating revenue during the month of May, while keeping operating expenses at $500,000. This resulted in a notable operating profit of $100,000 within a very short timeframe. The route, which officially launched on May 21, served a total of 6,600 passengers during its initial days of operation.

This success story highlights the potential for profitability and sustainability within the realm of rail transportation, showcasing the demand for efficient and reliable intercity travel options. The rapid profitability of the Borealis route not only reflects well on Amtrak’s strategic expansion efforts but also underscores the importance of investing in and improving public transportation infrastructure.

As Amtrak continues to innovate and adapt to changing travel demands, the success of the Borealis route serves as a testament to the viability of rail travel as a competitive and lucrative mode of transportation. The positive reception and financial performance of this new route signal a promising future for Amtrak and the broader landscape of rail transportation in the United States.

For further insights and comments on this remarkable achievement, Newsweek has reached out to Amtrak for additional information. Stay tuned for updates on this groundbreaking development in the world of rail travel.

Read the article in Newsweek titled New US Rail Route Makes Profit in Less Than Two Weeks. The piece dives into the remarkable success story of a newly inaugurated rail route that has managed to break even and move into profitability in a surprisingly short span. It explores the factors contributing to this rapid financial turnaround, such as the strategic planning, advanced technology implemented, high passenger demand, and efficiency in operations. Additionally, the article provides insights from industry experts and passengers, shedding light on the broader implications for the future of rail transportation in the United States. For an in-depth understanding, visit https://www.newsweek.com/new-us-rail-route-makes-profit-less-two-weeks-1922298.

For more articles about transportation in the US and abroad, visit our Urbanism section of STM Daily News. You’ll find a wealth of information on the latest developments in urban planning, sustainable transportation initiatives, and innovative mobility solutions. Stay informed about how cities are evolving to accommodate growing populations and new technologies. https://stmdailynews.com/category/the-bridge/urbanism/


  • Rod Washington

    Rod: A creative force, blending words, images, and flavors. Blogger, writer, filmmaker, and photographer. Cooking enthusiast with a sci-fi vision. Passionate about his upcoming series and dedicated to TNC Network. Partnered with Rebecca Washington for a shared journey of love and art.

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