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Recurra a los cereales integrales para obtener un refuerzo nutricional



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(Family Features) Una alimentación nutritiva, incluidos los refrigerios más inteligentes, es una forma importante de proteger su corazón y mantener la salud y el bienestar en general. Si bien muchas personas entienden los conceptos básicos de una alimentación saludable, por ejemplo, evitar demasiados dulces azucarados, algunos están confundidos acerca de las categorías importantes de alimentos que pueden afectar la nutrición.

Según una encuesta realizada por The Harris Poll en nombre de la American Heart Association, los adultos estadounidenses tienen menos conocimientos sobre los granos refinados frente a los integrales en comparación con otras categorías de alimentos como frutas, verduras y proteínas. Los cereales integrales son, de hecho, una característica clave de las recomendaciones de la Asociación para una dieta saludable para el corazón.

Hay dos tipos de productos de cereales: cereales integrales, que contienen todo el grano, y cereales refinados, que se han molido hasta obtener una textura más fina, como la harina o sémola. La mayoría de los adultos, según la encuesta, pueden distinguir los granos integrales de los refinados. Sin embargo, hay algunas percepciones erróneas.

La mayoría cree incorrectamente que el pan multigrano es integral. Además, solo el 17 % cree que el sorgo es un ejemplo de grano entero cuando, de hecho, es una opción de grano entero. Los cereales integrales como el sorgo, la avena y el arroz integral son fuentes ricas en fibra dietética, pueden mejorar los niveles de colesterol en la sangre y proporcionar nutrientes que ayudan al cuerpo a formar nuevas células, regular la tiroides y mantener un sistema inmunológico saludable.

Estas dulces y masticables barras de granola con nueces y dátiles de la iniciativa Healthy for Good de la American Heart Association, respaldada por Sorghum Checkoff, son un refrigerio perfecto para disfrutar durante toda la semana. El sorgo reventado agrega un ingrediente sorpresa para una textura crujiente, mientras que la avena y las nueces tostadas en seco brindan un delicioso sabor tostado.

Para descubrir más recetas integrales que pueden ayudar a tener un corazón sano, visite


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Barras de granola con nueces y dátiles

Receta cortesía de la American Heart Association y Sorghum Checkoff
Porciones: 12 (1 barra por porción)

  • Aceite en aerosol antiadherente
  • 1 1/2 tazas de copos de avena
  • 1/4 taza de rodajas de almendras o almendras enteras, picadas en trozos grandes
  • 1/4 taza de pistachos sin cáscara, picados en trozos grandes
  • 1 taza de dátiles sin carozo
  • 1/2 taza de arándanos secos sin azúcar
  • 1/4 taza de sorgo integral crudo
  • 1/4 taza de miel
  • 1/4 taza de mantequilla de maní baja en sodio
  • 1 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla
  • 1/8 cucharadita de sal
  1. Precaliente el horno a 350 F.
  2. Cubra el fondo y los lados de un molde para hornear cuadrado de 8 pulgadas con una envoltura de plástico o papel pergamino. Rocíe ligeramente con spray antiadherente para cocinar.
  3. En una bandeja para hornear grande, extienda la avena, las almendras y los pistachos en una sola capa. Hornee de 10 a 15 minutos, o hasta que estén ligeramente doradas, revolviendo ocasionalmente. Deje enfriar un poco.
  4. En un procesador de alimentos o licuadora, procese los dátiles y los arándanos de 1 a 1 1/2 minutos, o hasta que estén picados y grumosos. Transfiera a un tazón grande.
  5. Coloque 2 cucharadas de sorgo en un recipiente de silicona apto para microondas o en una bolsa de papel marrón limpia. Si usa un recipiente apto para microondas, cúbralo con una tapa. Si usa una bolsa de papel, ciérrela y colóquela en un plato para microondas con el doblez hacia abajo. Cocine en el microondas a temperatura alta durante 2 minutos o hasta que haya más de 10 segundos entre los saltos. Repita con el sorgo restante, calentándolo en el microondas durante 1 1/2 minutos, o hasta que transcurran más de 10 segundos entre los saltos.
  6. Revuelva el sorgo reventado, la avena, las almendras y los pistachos en la mezcla de dátiles.
  7. En una cacerola pequeña a fuego lento, caliente la miel y la mantequilla de maní durante 5 minutos o hasta que la mantequilla de maní esté suave y la mezcla esté tibia, revolviendo ocasionalmente. Retírelo del calor. Agregue la vainilla y la sal.
  8. Vierta la mezcla de mantequilla de maní sobre la mezcla de dátiles, revolviendo para romper en pequeños grumos. Transfiera la mitad a la fuente para hornear. Usando el fondo de un vaso para beber o los dedos ligeramente rociados con aceite en aerosol antiadherente para cocinar, presione hacia abajo firmemente para aplanar y empaque bien para que los grumos se adhieran entre sí. Repita con la mitad restante. Congele, tapado, alrededor de 1 hora, hasta que esté firme.
  9. Coloque la tabla de cortar sobre la fuente. Voltee la sartén. Deseche la envoltura de plástico. Con un cuchillo, corte en 12 barras. Refrigere las sobras en un recipiente hermético hasta por 1 semana.

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American Heart Association


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New Limited-Time “Mondays Light” Packaging Will Be Available at Retailers Nationwide

CHICAGO /PRNewswire/ — For football fans, the Monday after the Big Game is the Mondayest Monday to ever have Mondayed. With the season coming to an end 60% of Americans and Canadians admit they’re likely to have a ‘Case of the Mondays’ after the Big Game, according to a recent survey conducted by Talker Research*.

Now, Coors Light is turning a Case of the Mondays into a literal case of beer with Mondays Light, new limited-time packaging from Coors Light designed to bring chill to one of the worst Mondays of the year—the day after the Big Game.

Coors Light New Limited Time Mondays Light Packaging

Mondays Light 12-packs will be available at retailers nationwide for purchase, featuring a bold, Mondays Light-branded design that’s as refreshing as the Rocky Mountain-cold Coors Light inside.

On Monday the 13th, Coors Light experienced its own case of the Mondays when the brand released a series of ads that mistakenly spelled “refreshment” as “refershment,” giving a playful nod to the kind of mishaps Mondays are notorious for.

“Let’s face it: the Monday after the Big Game takes ‘Case of the Mondays’ to a whole new level,” said Marcelo Pascoa, Vice President of Marketing at Coors Light. “So, we thought, why not turn that classic ‘Case of the Mondays’ into a literal case of Coors Light? Mondays Light is our way of reminding fans to Choose Chill on one of the worst Mondays of the year.”

A survey conducted by Talker Research in partnership with Coors Light* revealed that Mondays are generally unpopular, with 76% of respondents preferring other days of the week. However, 41% singled out the Monday following game day as one of the worst of the year. For many football fans, the dread stems from staying up late (50%) and facing work the next day after an exhilarating game (46%). For others, the letdown is tied to the sport itself: 36% lament that it marks the end of football season, while 18% miss watching their favorite teams in action.

For the third year in a row, Coors Light is returning to the Big Game. This year’s 30-second spot for the Big Game is developed by Mischief @No Fixed Address. Additional campaign details will be revealed in the weeks leading up to the game.

Big Dill Pickleball Co. Serving Up Fun!

In addition to purchasing these 12 packs ahead of the Big Game, Coors Light fans will also have a chance to win a case with limited-time packaging** on us**, right in time for the Monday after the Big Game. For more information on Mondays Light and sweepstakes details, visit and @CoorsLight on Instagram.

*Conducted by Talker Research on behalf of Coors Light. Survey methodology: Talker Research surveyed 3,000 respondents 21 and older who will watch the 2025 Big Game (1,500 Americans + 750 English-speaking Canadians + 750 French-speaking Canadians); the survey was commissioned by Coors Light and administered and conducted online by Talker Research between Dec. 16 and Dec. 31, 2024.

** NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Promotion starts on 2/9/25 after Coors Light ad airs on/about 7:30 PM ET and ends on 2/10/25 at 2:59 AM ET. Open only to legal residents of 50 U.S. (D.C.) who are 21 years or older. Click Here for Official Rules, including how to enter, free method of entry, odds, prize details, and restrictions. Void where prohibited. Case of the Mondays awarded as a $14 payment.

For more than two centuries, Molson Coors has brewed beverages that unite people to celebrate all life’s moments. From our core power brands Coors Light, Miller Lite, Coors Banquet, Molson Canadian, Carling and Ožujsko to our above premium brands including Madrí Excepcional, Staropramen, Blue Moon Belgian White and Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy, to our economy and value brands like Miller High Life and Keystone Light, we produce many beloved and iconic beers. While Molson Coors’ history is rooted in beer, we offer a modern portfolio that expands beyond the beer aisle as well, including flavored beverages like Vizzy Hard Seltzer, spirits like Five Trail whiskey and non-alcoholic beverages like ZOA Energy. As a business, our ambition is to be the first choice for our people, our consumers and our customers, and our success depends on our ability to make our products available to meet a wide range of consumer segments and occasions.

SOURCE Coors Light

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Food and Beverage

A Hearty Meal in Miniature Form

Hearty Meal: Mini Beef Wellingtons are perfect for gatherings, served with mashed potatoes and green beans. This recipe features a creamy mushroom sauce and is easy to prepare.




Hearty Meal

(Family Features) Perfect for any occasion – from family dinners to football watch parties – these Mini Beef Wellingtons pair nicely with mashed potatoes and green beans or can be served as an easy appetizer before the big game. It’s a downsized version of a hearty favorite that’ll leave everyone asking for more. Visit to find more recipes from “Cookin’ Savvy” and sign up for a weekly recipe newsletter.

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Mini Beef Wellingtons

Recipe courtesy of “Cookin’ Savvy”

Mushroom Sauce:

  • 1 can (14 ounces) mushrooms
  • 1 1/2 cups chicken broth
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder
  • salt, to taste
  • pepper, to taste
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 8 ounces beef tenderloin steaks, cubed
  • 1 package (17 ounces, 2 sheets) puff pastry
  • water
  • garlic and herb spreadable cheese
  • 1 package (2 1/2 ounces) real bacon pieces
  • mashed potatoes, for serving
  1. To make mushroom sauce: In blender, blend mushrooms and chicken broth; set aside.
  2. In skillet over medium heat, melt butter and mix in flour. Slowly add mushroom broth while stirring. It should start to thicken; if it doesn’t, add 1 tablespoon flour and stir well.
  3. Add garlic powder and salt and pepper, to taste. Mix in heavy cream while continuing to stir. Remove from heat and set aside.
  4. Heat oven to 400 F.
  5. Cube steaks and place in bowl then cover and mix well with 1 cup mushroom sauce.
  6. Cut each puff pastry into six squares for 12 total. Use water to moisten each corner of squares and bring them together, forming small box shape. Place 1 heaping tablespoon meat mixture into each pastry square.
  7. Place squares on parchment paper-covered cookie sheets and bake 15 minutes.
  8. Spoon spreadable cheese over hot squares and top with bacon pieces.
  9. Serve with mashed potatoes and use leftover mushroom sauce as gravy.

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Scoop Up the Sweetness: Nightingale Ice Cream Lands at Kroger Stores Nationwide!

Nightingale Ice Cream is now available at over 2,000 Kroger stores nationwide, offering handcrafted ice cream sandwiches in five flavors, making it easier than ever to enjoy delicious treats inspired by Southern charm.



If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that ice cream is a universal joy—and now, thanks to Kroger, that joy just became a whole lot more accessible! Southern Living recently reported that the much-loved Richmond-based Nightingale Ice Cream is gracing the freezer aisles of over 2,000 Kroger locations across the United States. That’s right, folks: you no longer have to journey to Richmond to get your hands on these incredible frozen treats!

Nightingale Ice Cream

For those unfamiliar with Nightingale Ice Cream, let me fill you in. This delightful company specializes in luscious ice cream sandwiches that are handcrafted with local ingredients and a good helping of love. Founded by married duo Xavier Meers and Hannah Pollack, Nightingale is the embodiment of Southern charm and culinary artistry. The couple’s story is as sweet as their ice cream—their love blossomed in a Richmond kitchen where they combined Xavier’s culinary expertise and Hannah’s ice cream prowess.

Starting this season, Kroger shoppers can now indulge in the delightful Chomp Size four-packs of Nightingale Ice Cream featuring five tantalizing flavors. Get ready to dive into decadent treats like Cookie Monster, Strawberry Shortcake, Chocolate Blackout, Banana Pudding, and Mocha Brownie. Each flavor is crafted from rich, 14% butterfat ice cream and paired with freshly baked cookies—because what’s better than ice cream between two warm, gooey cookies?

Nightingale’s ice cream is made in small batches, which ensures each bite is a rich and creamy experience you won’t soon forget. It’s not just ice cream; it’s a celebration of flavors that transports you to a sunny afternoon on the porch, relishing the sweet taste of summer, no matter the season.

As the temperatures rise and days get longer, having these delicious treats readily available at your local Kroger means you have the perfect excuse to gather your friends and family for ice cream socials or just to seek solace in a Chomp Size pack after a long day. Whether you’re a dark chocolate aficionado or a fruity lover, Nightingale Ice Cream has made it easier than ever to satisfy your sweet tooth without any hassle.

So, the next time you find yourself wandering through the frozen food section at Kroger, don’t forget to grab a box (or two!) of Nightingale Ice Cream. With flavors that capture the essence of Southern hospitality, your dessert game just got a major upgrade.

Happy scooping! 🍦✨

For the full scoop on this sweet news, check out the original article on Southern Living here.

Big Dill Pickleball Co. Serving Up Fun!

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