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Food and Beverage

Recurra a los cereales integrales para obtener un refuerzo nutricional



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(Family Features) Una alimentación nutritiva, incluidos los refrigerios más inteligentes, es una forma importante de proteger su corazón y mantener la salud y el bienestar en general. Si bien muchas personas entienden los conceptos básicos de una alimentación saludable, por ejemplo, evitar demasiados dulces azucarados, algunos están confundidos acerca de las categorías importantes de alimentos que pueden afectar la nutrición.

Según una encuesta realizada por The Harris Poll en nombre de la American Heart Association, los adultos estadounidenses tienen menos conocimientos sobre los granos refinados frente a los integrales en comparación con otras categorías de alimentos como frutas, verduras y proteínas. Los cereales integrales son, de hecho, una característica clave de las recomendaciones de la Asociación para una dieta saludable para el corazón.

Hay dos tipos de productos de cereales: cereales integrales, que contienen todo el grano, y cereales refinados, que se han molido hasta obtener una textura más fina, como la harina o sémola. La mayoría de los adultos, según la encuesta, pueden distinguir los granos integrales de los refinados. Sin embargo, hay algunas percepciones erróneas.

La mayoría cree incorrectamente que el pan multigrano es integral. Además, solo el 17 % cree que el sorgo es un ejemplo de grano entero cuando, de hecho, es una opción de grano entero. Los cereales integrales como el sorgo, la avena y el arroz integral son fuentes ricas en fibra dietética, pueden mejorar los niveles de colesterol en la sangre y proporcionar nutrientes que ayudan al cuerpo a formar nuevas células, regular la tiroides y mantener un sistema inmunológico saludable.

Estas dulces y masticables barras de granola con nueces y dátiles de la iniciativa Healthy for Good de la American Heart Association, respaldada por Sorghum Checkoff, son un refrigerio perfecto para disfrutar durante toda la semana. El sorgo reventado agrega un ingrediente sorpresa para una textura crujiente, mientras que la avena y las nueces tostadas en seco brindan un delicioso sabor tostado.

Para descubrir más recetas integrales que pueden ayudar a tener un corazón sano, visite


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Barras de granola con nueces y dátiles

Receta cortesía de la American Heart Association y Sorghum Checkoff
Porciones: 12 (1 barra por porción)

  • Aceite en aerosol antiadherente
  • 1 1/2 tazas de copos de avena
  • 1/4 taza de rodajas de almendras o almendras enteras, picadas en trozos grandes
  • 1/4 taza de pistachos sin cáscara, picados en trozos grandes
  • 1 taza de dátiles sin carozo
  • 1/2 taza de arándanos secos sin azúcar
  • 1/4 taza de sorgo integral crudo
  • 1/4 taza de miel
  • 1/4 taza de mantequilla de maní baja en sodio
  • 1 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla
  • 1/8 cucharadita de sal
  1. Precaliente el horno a 350 F.
  2. Cubra el fondo y los lados de un molde para hornear cuadrado de 8 pulgadas con una envoltura de plástico o papel pergamino. Rocíe ligeramente con spray antiadherente para cocinar.
  3. En una bandeja para hornear grande, extienda la avena, las almendras y los pistachos en una sola capa. Hornee de 10 a 15 minutos, o hasta que estén ligeramente doradas, revolviendo ocasionalmente. Deje enfriar un poco.
  4. En un procesador de alimentos o licuadora, procese los dátiles y los arándanos de 1 a 1 1/2 minutos, o hasta que estén picados y grumosos. Transfiera a un tazón grande.
  5. Coloque 2 cucharadas de sorgo en un recipiente de silicona apto para microondas o en una bolsa de papel marrón limpia. Si usa un recipiente apto para microondas, cúbralo con una tapa. Si usa una bolsa de papel, ciérrela y colóquela en un plato para microondas con el doblez hacia abajo. Cocine en el microondas a temperatura alta durante 2 minutos o hasta que haya más de 10 segundos entre los saltos. Repita con el sorgo restante, calentándolo en el microondas durante 1 1/2 minutos, o hasta que transcurran más de 10 segundos entre los saltos.
  6. Revuelva el sorgo reventado, la avena, las almendras y los pistachos en la mezcla de dátiles.
  7. En una cacerola pequeña a fuego lento, caliente la miel y la mantequilla de maní durante 5 minutos o hasta que la mantequilla de maní esté suave y la mezcla esté tibia, revolviendo ocasionalmente. Retírelo del calor. Agregue la vainilla y la sal.
  8. Vierta la mezcla de mantequilla de maní sobre la mezcla de dátiles, revolviendo para romper en pequeños grumos. Transfiera la mitad a la fuente para hornear. Usando el fondo de un vaso para beber o los dedos ligeramente rociados con aceite en aerosol antiadherente para cocinar, presione hacia abajo firmemente para aplanar y empaque bien para que los grumos se adhieran entre sí. Repita con la mitad restante. Congele, tapado, alrededor de 1 hora, hasta que esté firme.
  9. Coloque la tabla de cortar sobre la fuente. Voltee la sartén. Deseche la envoltura de plástico. Con un cuchillo, corte en 12 barras. Refrigere las sobras en un recipiente hermético hasta por 1 semana.

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American Heart Association


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Unearthing Hidden Treasures: Redbreast Irish Whiskey and Andrew Scott Join Forces with SXSW Film & TV Festival



Andrew Scott and Redbreast Irish Whiskey

In a delightful fusion of cinematic artistry and whiskey craftsmanship, Redbreast Irish Whiskey has announced its partnership with acclaimed Irish actor Andrew Scott and the prestigious SXSW Film & TV Festival to launch ‘Redbreast Unhidden.’ This ambitious initiative aims to celebrate and showcase the hidden gems within the film industry, providing talented filmmakers with a platform to shine and audiences with a chance to discover unique stories.

A New Era for Film and Whiskeys

The ‘Redbreast Unhidden’ campaign marks an exciting chapter in Redbreast’s new global initiative, ‘Quite the Find,’ which emphasizes the joy of discovery. Just as the first sip of Redbreast reveals a complex tapestry of flavors, this partnership seeks to uncover extraordinary films that might otherwise fly under the radar. The campaign is a testament to both the art of filmmaking and the tradition of whiskey-making that Redbreast has perfected over the last century.

Nodjame Fouad, CEO of Irish Distillers, expressed the essence of this collaboration beautifully when he said, “We invite whiskey enthusiasts and newcomers on a journey that celebrates craftsmanship, character, and complexity in the creative worlds of whiskey and film.” Redbreast’s rich and complex profiles perfectly mirror the multifaceted stories told by independent filmmakers, making this partnership a match made in creative heaven.

Handpicked by Talent: The Short Films Selection

At the heart of ‘Redbreast Unhidden’ lies an exciting selection of six short films that exemplify the spirit of this initiative. Curated by Andrew Scott, the films span a variety of genres, reflecting themes of authenticity, resilience, and discovery. Here’s a glimpse at the exceptional works that will be showcased at SXSW:

  1. One Day This Kid by Alexander Farah
  2. Entre Tormentas by Frank Zayas
  3. Nervous Energy by Eve Lui
  4. Sweetbriar by Danny Rivera
  5. Brief Somebodies by Andy Reid
  6. I’m The Most Racist Person I Know by Leela Varghese

Each film captures a unique perspective, ranging from poignant dramas to clever comedies, inviting audiences to engage with pressing societal themes like identity, familial love, and personal struggles.

Celebrating Emerging Voices with the ‘Redbreast Unhidden Award’

The collaboration doesn’t stop at showcasing remarkable films; it also aims to uplift emerging voices in the industry. At this year’s SXSW Film & TV Festival, the inaugural ‘Redbreast Unhidden Award’ will be presented. One deserving filmmaker will be honored with a financial award, providing them the support needed to pursue their artistic vision. Andrew Scott himself will participate in selecting the winner, embodying the initiative’s aim to nurture the next generation of creators.

An Invitation to Experience Cinema Like Never Before

From March 11 to 13, 2025, Redbreast will host a series of immersive events at SXSW, inviting attendees to enjoy curated film screenings and explore a hidden speakeasy cinema-inspired bar. For those unable to attend the festival in Austin, fear not! Redbreast is also bringing the spirit of SXSW to major cities across the globe with exclusive film and cocktail experiences, allowing fans to uncover hidden gems from the comfort of their local community.

As Francis Román, Senior Film & TV Programming Manager at SXSW, aptly put it, “The beauty of programming is finding those hidden gems.”

Join the Adventure

The ‘Redbreast Unhidden’ platform opens up a world of discovery for film lovers and whiskey aficionados alike. Whether you’re a long-time fan of independent cinema or new to the scene, this initiative encourages exploration and appreciation for the artistry behind the camera.

To dive deeper into this collaboration, discover the films being showcased, and stay updated on local events, head to Redbreast’s SXSW page and follow @RedbreastUS on social media.

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So, pour yourself a glass of Redbreast, sit back, and prepare to embark on a cinematic journey that will surely reveal stories worth discovering! Cheers to celebrating creativity and the joy of the unexpected!

Follow Redbreast on social:
Instagram @RedbreastUS
Facebook @RedbreastSinglePotStill  

About Irish Distillers

Irish Distillers, a Pernod Ricard company, is a producer of some of the world’s most well-known and successful Irish whiskeys and Ireland’s leading supplier of spirits and wines. Led by Jameson, our brands are driving the success of Irish whiskey globally. Jameson is the world’s bestselling and most awarded Irish whiskey, a top 3 selling international whiskey brand and a top 10 international spirits brand, achieving +1% net sales growth globally in FY24. Our brands are exported to 130+ markets around the world.

Irish Distillers was formed in 1966, when a merger took place between John Power & Son, John Jameson & Son, and Cork Distilleries Company. In 1988 Irish Distillers joined Pernod Ricard, gaining access to unprecedented levels of investment and an extensive global distribution network.

In 2025, Midleton Distillery celebrates 200 years of distilling excellence by unveiling stories from the Irish Distillers archives and hosting a series of special whiskey launches and events.

We employ over 800 people across our operations in Cork, Dublin and Northern Ireland.

Find your perfect chandelier for living room, bedroom, dining room. Shop now

About Pernod Ricard USA®

Pernod Ricard USA is the premium spirits and wine company in the U.S., and the largest subsidiary of Paris, France-based Pernod Ricard SA., the world’s second largest spirits and wine company. Pernod Ricard employs approximately 19,000 people worldwide, is listed on Euronext (Ticker: RI) and is part of the CAC 40 index. The company’s leading spirits include such prestigious brands as Absolut Vodka, Avión Tequila, Chivas Regal Scotch Whisky, The Glenlivet Single Malt Scotch Whisky, Jameson Irish Whiskey, Kahlúa Liqueur, Malibu, Martell Cognac, Olmeca Altos Tequila, Beefeater Gin, Del Maguey Single Village Mezcal, Código Tequila, Monkey 47 Gin, Seagram’s Extra Dry Gin, Malfy Gin, Hiram Walker Liqueurs, Midleton Irish Whiskey, Redbreast Irish Whiskey, Aberlour Single Malt Scotch Whisky, Lillet, Jefferson’s Bourbon, TX Whiskey, Skrewball Whiskey, Smooth Ambler Whiskey, Rabbit Hole Whiskey, Pernod and Ricard; such superior wines as Jacob’s Creek, Kenwood Vineyards, Campo Viejo, Brancott Estate and Sainte Marguerite en Provence rosé.; and such exquisite champagnes and sparkling wines Perrier-Jouët

At our core, we at STM Daily News, strive to keep you informed and inspired with the freshest content on all things food and beverage. From mouthwatering recipes to intriguing articles, we’re here to satisfy your appetite for culinary knowledge.

SOURCE Redbreast Irish Whiskey

Visit our Food & Drink section to get the latest on Foodie News and recipes, offering a delightful blend of culinary inspiration and gastronomic trends to elevate your dining experience.

At our core, we at STM Daily News, strive to keep you informed and inspired with the freshest content on all things food and beverage. From mouthwatering recipes to intriguing articles, we’re here to satisfy your appetite for culinary knowledge.
Visit our Food & Drink section to get the latest on Foodie News and recipes, offering a delightful blend of culinary inspiration and gastronomic trends to elevate your dining experience.

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Food and Beverage

‘What’s for Dinner?’




(Family Features) Answering the looming question, “What’s for dinner?” is a daily stressor for Millennial parents. While the majority of them said cooking dinners for their families is important (90%), they also dread having to figure out what to cook on a day-to-day basis (63%), based on insights from a survey conducted by Whirlpool brand. To make mealtime less stressful, most Millennial parents look for cooking appliances that are easy to clean (59%), easy to use (57%) and have fast cooking options (53%), such as the Whirlpool® Front Control Smart Electric Range with Air Cooking Technology. Learn more about the range at

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Food and Beverage

Expand Your Menu with a Versatile Enchilada Recipe



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(Family Features) An easy recipe that can serve your family or a crowd is a perfect solution for any cookbook. Look no further than this Easy Enchilada Casserole, an ideal fit for family dinners or hosting a group when served as a dip. Visit to discover more versatile recipe ideas to keep on hand.

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Easy Enchilada Casserole

Recipe courtesy of “Cookin’ Savvy
Servings: 6 (12 as appetizer)

  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 tablespoon minced onion
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder
  • 1 cup rice
  • 1 can (14 1/2 ounces) diced tomatoes
  • 1 can (10.7 ounces) enchilada sauce
  • 1 can (15 ounces) rinsed black beans
  • 1 can (15 ounces) whole corn
  • 1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese, divided
  • 2 tablespoons mesquite seasoning
  • cilantro, for topping (optional)
  • green onions, for topping (optional)
  1. Heat oven to 350 F.
  2. In skillet, brown ground beef with minced onion and garlic powder. Drain and set aside.
  3. Cook rice according to package instructions.
  4. In casserole dish, mix meat, tomatoes, enchilada sauce, black beans, corn, rice, 1 cup cheddar cheese and mesquite seasoning. Bake, covered, 20 minutes.
  5. Top with remaining cheese, cilantro and green onions.

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